My third week playing WoW, I hit level 40! Finally as a hunter I can use mail armor. This week started with a BANG! Blizzard released the 4.0.1 patch and there was a LOT of changes. First of all, no more arrows/bullets to buy! Yes! Win! Also no more weapon skill level, another win! There were also some slight changes to interface which made it so much cleaner and class skills, I seemed to have loose a lot of them. At first a little bit confused but now very very happy.
I leveled 7 good levels this week, pretty happy how fast I'm going and at this rate I'm pretty sure I'll hit 80 before Cataclysm comes out. (I hope) Really that is my goal as I don't want to be behind others, I want to hit 85 as quick as I can and enjoying some end game content, raids etc.
This week I finally completed the whole Scarlet Monastery and started Uldaman, by started I mean that I have already ran it like 6 times and am getting sick of it. Doing quests in SV and picking on some Alliance players (1 gnome) I earned my first honor point!! Moving off to Tanaris where by the looks of it I'm going to spend most of my time doing quests and grinding to level 50.
Here are just some random screenshots I took this week.